A call for help from the past  Introduction

A call for help from the past   297mm×210mm  2024年制作

“A Call for Help from the Past” is a work that uses dolls, a Japanese folk craft, as its motif. At first glance, the dolls are depicted in a cute shape, but behind them lies the tragic history of humanity. In the work, ghosts of the past are resurrected in the present and appeal to us for their suffering and sorrow.

This painting has the power to remind us of the weight of history that we tend to forget and to make us think about how past events affect the present. The tears of the ghosts are a cry for liberation, and appeal to us to the importance of living without forgetting the lessons of the past.

The work “A Call for Help from the Past” was created to encourage deep reflection in the viewer through a unique worldview where cuteness and sadness intersect. While feeling the weight of history, it asks how we should build the future.




>I am selling my works here.

I am selling my works here.

I would like to continue to challenge various things and continue to present art works. Thank you for your support.